Sunday, October 30, 2016

What's Your Most Hilarious Social Media Horror Story?

*Deletes self from the internet*

Between Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, we all spend about a zillion hours on social media.

Between Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, we all spend about a zillion hours on social media.

It's only natural that occasionally you'll fuck up and do something a lil' embarrassing.

It's only natural that occasionally you'll fuck up and do something a lil' embarrassing.

Maybe you were drunk and you accidentally declared your undying love on your ex's Instagram.

Maybe you were drunk and you accidentally declared your undying love on your ex's Instagram.

@thedryginger / Via

Or lost literally hours/days/months of your life to snooping on someone?

Or lost literally hours/days/months of your life to snooping on someone?

@doggo_does_a_dodo / Via

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