Thursday, October 27, 2016

What Advice Would You Give Your Teen Self About Beauty?


Remember some years back when your hormones were raging and you hated your mom?

Remember some years back when your hormones were raging and you hated your mom? / Via

As if the not-so-kind journey of teen-hood wasn't enough on its own, every magazine and show marketed to your evolving being bombarded you with images of how you should look and be.

As if the not-so-kind journey of teen-hood wasn't enough on its own, every magazine and show marketed to your evolving being bombarded you with images of how you should look and be. / Via

It felt like hell then, but looking back, you now know that it was all nonsense and your thick thighs were actually awesome AF.

It felt like hell then, but looking back, you now know that it was all nonsense and your thick thighs were actually awesome AF. / Via

So if you could give your teen self any advice about beauty-internally or externally-what would it be?

So if you could give your teen self any advice about beauty-internally or externally-what would it be?

Curling your hair every day = heat damage, being a mean girl actually isn't cute; you know the drill.

VH1 / Via

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