Saturday, October 15, 2016

15 Painfully Real Pictures Only Students Will Understand

Thank you Red Bull, Google, and Wikipedia for making this possible.

First of all, when your whole career as a student starts off like this, you know you're in for an adventure:

First of all, when your whole career as a student starts off like this, you know you're in for an adventure:

So you ask yourself every day: "What did I do to deserve this?" / Via

And even if you get aid, your tuition fees will haunt you to your grave.

And even if you get aid, your tuition fees will haunt you to your grave.

RIP your parents' savings / Via

TBH, "being a student" is basically a synonym for "being broke."


Seriously, you'll be broke AF most of the time, but you still find a way to have a good time. / Via

Some of your classmates also claim they're broke, even though they're obviously not.

Some of your classmates also claim they're broke, even though they're obviously not.

K, with your new iPhone and MacBook. / Via

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