Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Did Your College Relationship Succeed In The Real World?

Tell us your secrets to success!

College relationships are hard. Hard to get into, hard to maintain, and especially hard to continue after graduation.

College relationships are hard. Hard to get into, hard to maintain, and especially hard to continue after graduation.

20th Century Fox / Via

But some couples manage to stay together through the parties, exams, and distractions - and into the real world.

But some couples manage to stay together through the parties, exams, and distractions - and into the real world.

ABC / Via

So when you meet a couple who've stayed together - or even gotten married - since college, it's downright inspiring.

So when you meet a couple who've stayed together - or even gotten married - since college, it's downright inspiring.

CBS / Via

We should all listen to their stories and advice, tbh.

We should all listen to their stories and advice, tbh.

Charley Gallay / Getty Images

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