Friday, August 5, 2016

What's The Best Advice You've Ever Gotten From A Book?

More like words to the wise.

Books are often filled to the brim with wisdom so it makes sense that you'd get some pretty great advice from them too.

Books are often filled to the brim with wisdom so it makes sense that you'd get some pretty great advice from them too.


Maybe a quote from a book gave you the strength to persevere through a difficult time in your life.

Maybe a quote from a book gave you the strength to persevere through a difficult time in your life.

Warner Bros.

Or perhaps another told you what you needed to hear about your love life.

Or perhaps another told you what you needed to hear about your love life.

Summit Entertainment

Or maybe a book reminded you to appreciate your friends more.

Or maybe a book reminded you to appreciate your friends more.

Warner Bros.

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