Tuesday, July 19, 2016

What's Your Most Epic Photo From The '80s?

If you lived through it, you've definitely got one.

If you lived through the '80s, chances are you've got a photo somewhere that reeks of the decade.

If you lived through the '80s, chances are you've got a photo somewhere that reeks of the decade.

Like this one - The girl is holding a Cabbage Patch Kid, wearing an "I love you, E.T." T-shirt and standing in front of a poster of a Thriller-era Michael Jackson!

Flickr: 22404965@N08 / Via Creative Commons

Perhaps you have a photo that proves you were the queen of '80s style.

Perhaps you have a photo that proves you were the queen of '80s style.


Or maybe one that proves you were the kings of '80s style.

Or maybe one that proves you were the kings of '80s style.

OK, maybe these kids weren't the "kings of style." But if you say you never owned a jean jacket like that, you're not from the '80s.

Flickr: dharrels / Via Creative Commons

Maybe you have a photo at a familiar place, like McDonald's, in all of it's '80s glory.

Maybe you have a photo at a familiar place, like McDonald's, in all of it's '80s glory.

Back in the day when every burger came in an environmentally-friendly styrofoam container!

Flickr: 42353480@N02 / Via Creative Commons

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