Friday, July 29, 2016

What Queer Sex Advice Would You Give Your Younger Self?

Because you usually have to learn by doing.

When you first start having sex, it can be...awkward.

When you first start having sex, it can be...awkward.

Nickelodeon / Via

It might be especially mysterious for anyone who's having sex that's not considered ~mainstream~ and therefore not often seen or talked about in movies and TV.

It might be especially mysterious for anyone who's having sex that's not considered ~mainstream~ and therefore not often seen or talked about in movies and TV.

For better or worse, movies and TV are where a lot of folks see and learn about sex. But when you're LGBTQ-identified, lots of times you learn by ~doing.~


What do you wish someone would have told you about having sex for the first time?

What do you wish someone would have told you about having sex for the first time?

(Now that you're a pro.) / Via

Because honestly it's not always obvious.

Because honestly it's not always obvious.

Bravo / Via

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