Sunday, July 24, 2016

12 Moments Every Craft Retail Employee Knows Too Damn Well

Coupons, coupons, and more coupons.

When a customer ignores your greeting, and skips straight to, "I have coupons on my phone for all 23 of my 40-cent embroidery threads."

When a customer ignores your greeting, and skips straight to,

Then you gotta wait for them to navigate five different email addresses to get each coupon.


And when that customer's coupons won't work on any of their items:

And when that customer's coupons won't work on any of their items:

Sorry, it looks like none of your items can be discounted today. Suck it.


When you catch someone trying to swap sale signs in order to get better deals:

When you catch someone trying to swap sale signs in order to get better deals:

"You have to honor the price advertised."

"Not when I saw you pull that sign out of your purse and hang it up."


When it's five minutes to close, and a woman with 100+ sheets of scrapbooking paper comes to your register:

When it's five minutes to close, and a woman with 100+ sheets of scrapbooking paper comes to your register:

"Don't worry, I still haven't decided what colors I want to use, so I'll be returning most of it."


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