Monday, January 25, 2016

What's Your Worst Audition Horror Story?

American Horror Story: Audition

Whether you act, dance, sing, or do some combination of the three, you've probably gone to an audition. And you've probably nailed some of those auditions.

Whether you act, dance, sing, or do some combination of the three, you've probably gone to an audition. And you've probably nailed some of those auditions.

Fox /

But maybe there was that one time you went for the high note and found yourself belting vomit instead!

But maybe there was that one time you went for the high note and found yourself belting vomit instead!

Universal Pictures /

Or perhaps the director cut you off mid-audition to tell you that you had a huge booger hanging out of your nose.

Or perhaps the director cut you off mid-audition to tell you that you had a huge booger hanging out of your nose.

Fox /

Or maybe your nerves got the best of you and you totally wiped out!

Or maybe your nerves got the best of you and you totally wiped out!

MadonnaVevo /

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