Monday, September 19, 2016

What's The Best Thing You've Ever Eaten At A Wedding?

Tell us what food you'd say “I do” to.

Let's be real: Wedding food generally has a pretty bad rap.

Let's be real: Wedding food generally has a pretty bad rap.

NBC / Via

And while yes, wedding food can suck, it also can be really, really good, maybe because low expectations make it taste that much better.

And while yes, wedding food can suck, it also can be really, really good, maybe because low expectations make it taste that much better.

Paramount Pictures / Via

Usually, you can stuff your face with a variety of delicious hors d'oeuvres during the cocktail hour.

Usually, you can stuff your face with a variety of delicious hors d'oeuvres during the cocktail hour.

Hors d'oeuvres are always tasty and have so many possibilities. Even a wedding with otherwise crappy food will generally have good hors d'oeuvres.

TLC / Via

And sometimes during the reception, you get lucky and are treated to an amazing surprise, like gourmet pizza.

And sometimes during the reception, you get lucky and are treated to an amazing surprise, like gourmet pizza.

Potatoes of any kind are also usually A+ at weddings.

onelove photography / Via

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