Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Show Us Your Craziest Allergic Reaction

Some allergies are impossible to hide.

Allergies are no joke.

Allergies are no joke.

As anyone who has allergies knows, an allergic reaction happens when your body is super sensitive to something which might be harmless to most people - like a certain food, chemical, plant, animal hair, etc. - and that reaction can be anything from annoying stuff like sneezing, skin rashes, or diarrhea to the most serious and life-threatening reaction, anaphylaxis. / Via FOX

And sometimes allergic reactions can cause ~pretty noticeable~ symptoms on the face and body.

And sometimes allergic reactions can cause ~pretty noticeable~ symptoms on the face and body.

Often, severe allergic reactions can cause very noticeable skin rashes, hives, eczema, swelling, and more. So it's impossible not to notice when the person is having an allergic reaction.

E! / Via

Like this girl, who is very allergic to poison ivy and also got it on her eyes.

Like this girl, who is very allergic to poison ivy and also got it on her eyes.

Emily Petrozza / Via Twitter: @lauren_petrozza

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