Saturday, March 5, 2016

What's The Weirdest Thing You've Ever Done For Your Kids?

Catching their throw-up was just the start.

When you’re a parent you will do ANYTHING for your kids.

When you’re a parent you will do ANYTHING for your kids.

Dress up like a superhero with your kids on a random Tuesday in March? Sure.

Michael Turner / Getty Images

Because of this, you sometimes do things that are, well, weird — like catch your kid's throw-up in your hands.

Because of this, you sometimes do things that are, well, weird — like catch your kid's throw-up in your hands.

You've probably also ingested the disgusting concoctions your kid "invents" in the kitchen.

You've probably also ingested the disgusting concoctions your kid

Asparagus and jelly bean sauce on a weirdly green pancake? You've eaten it.

Romrodinka / Getty Images

There's a good chance, too, that you've diligently searched your kid's room for monsters (even though you know they don't exist).

There's a good chance, too, that you've diligently searched your kid's room for monsters (even though you know they don't exist).


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