Wednesday, March 9, 2016

18 Reasons This Hunky Chef Is Husband Goals

Warning: You might drool.

This is Byron Talbott, a professional cook who makes videos on YouTube and also looks DAMN good on camera.

Instagram: @byrontalbott / Via

He makes everything from scratch, and he does it with such perfection and ease that you're bound to be jealous of his lucky wife.

Because duh, who doesn't want a hot chef as their husband?

Instagram: @byrontalbott / Via

Like, you'd imagine his wife just sitting there and watching him make ravioli all day.

At least, that's what I'd do.

Instagram: @byrontalbott / Via

Just kidding, she helps sometimes.

She's actually a really successful lifestyle/beauty YouTuber herself. You can check out her videos here.

Instagram: @byrontalbott / Via

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