Thursday, November 10, 2016

What Is Your Favorite YA Book That Deals With Mental Health?

Tell us which ones made you say, “Yep, this is it. This is exactly it.”


And YA is a bomb genre to do that.

And YA is a bomb genre to do that.

It covers all those ~formative years~ when dealing with mental health stuff is super common and it can reach an audience that especially needs to hear it.

Mr. Mudd / Via

But at the same time, it's easy to miss the mark when writing about sensitive topics, so we want to know: What are your favorite YA books that actually nail it?

But at the same time, it's easy to miss the mark when writing about sensitive topics, so we want to know: What are your favorite YA books that actually nail it?

NBC / Via

Maybe there's a book that helped illuminate something you were going through but didn't know how to articulate.

Like, maybe Cath's anxiety in Fangirl made you sit up and say, “Shit, that's what that is?”

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