Saturday, May 21, 2016

Bill Gates and Neal Stephenson drive into the future in a Tesla in VR


Science fiction meets technology in the very best way in this short three-minute video posted by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates earlier this week

In the video, Gates takes off his tech icon hat and becomes a fan as he meets up with famed science fiction author Neal Stephenson to talk about the latter's latest novel Seveneves

As we mentioned earlier this week, the book is on Gates' summer reading list this year. On his website, Gates gives a brief review of the book, writing, "Seveneves reminded me of all the things I love about science fiction. It is a great novel to get lost in, learn from, and think about. More than anything else, it has me thinking I should get back to reading sci-fi again." Read more...

More about Virtual Reality, Vr, Tesla, Neal Stephenson, and Science Fiction

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