Wednesday, April 13, 2016

15 Britney Spears Faces All Unemployed College Graduates Will Recognize

“How come you don't have a job?” - Satan

When someone says that they know of a position you can apply for.

When someone says that they know of a position you can apply for.

Wait, so you're saying there's actually an opening I haven't heard of? That's pretty much impossible.

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When you can sense someone's about to ask you if you found a job.

When you can sense someone's about to ask you if you found a job.

Please don't ask me that. I'm trying, OK? Let me live.

Fox / Via

And when you decide to lie because that animal shelter you volunteered at one time back in high school kinda counts as a job.

And when you decide to lie because that animal shelter you volunteered at one time back in high school kinda counts as a job.

I mean, I haven't showed up there in, like, five years, but I think they still know my name so it's not really a lie.

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When someone in college says they'll find a job right after they graduate.

When someone in college says they'll find a job right after they graduate.

Good luck with that.


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